Tin 200


Worlds of console and PC gaming intertwine with each other, more and more. Growing number of titles and even console software itself allows playing them with additional equipment (earlier reserved only for PC gamers). Plugging in mouse and keyboard instead of using default controller might further enhance the gameplay experience – especially when it comes to FPS games. To answer those constantly increasing gaming needs, Genesis has created TIN 200 adapter.

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Worlds of console and PC gaming increasingly intertwine with each other. Growing number of titles and even console software itself allows playing games with additional equipment (earlier reserved only for PC gamers). Plugging in mouse and keyboard instead of using default controller might further enhance the gameplay experience – especially when it comes to FPS games.


Genesis TIN 200 is a compact adapter that allows playing console games, while using keyboard and mouse, instead of classic controller. Device is compatible with a number of consoles: PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Handling is very easy and requires only plugging in the devices, in proper order (refer to manual), without the need of additional software installation or configuration. Of course, you can customize and assign combinations/buttons thanks to the manufacturer’s developed software.


Genesis’s adapter distinctive feature is its very fast response time, which directly translates into comfort and quality of gameplay. PC mouse is by far the most precise input device, available for games. On the other hand, undeniable feature of a keyboard is intuitive access to the most of keys used during gameplay. Combine those two devices with lightning-fast time adapter and even console gamers – especially those players who do not have enough time to master precise analog stick movement with their thumbs – can finally play titles, without any frustration. Genesis’s adapter allows the use of keyboard and mouse in almost any game there is, and is compatible with Genesis products and the majority of devices available on the market*


Games and gaming accessories market constantly evolves. Genesis TIN 200 was developed with this rapid progress in mind. Adapter allows upcoming firmware updates through USB interface (PC required). Currently key-mapping is set to default. In the future with firmware updates there will be a possibility to customize key-mapping according to user’s preferences.


Currently, the Tin 200 is compatible with all Genesis devices. Despite our best efforts, it is not possible to guarantee compatibility with EVERY device available on the market. In case of any issues / difficulties during usage and/or operation of devices, please check our support page.

Technical data
Current drivers
Previous drivers
User manuals
Domyślne przypisanie przycisków
User manual - Tin 200
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