GENESIS IPA 100 100 ml

IPA 100


Looking for an effective means of removing thermal paste from your processor? Meet IPA 100 - a high quality isopropyl alcohol which, thanks to its high content of the main ingredient (min. 99.8%), will work great in any situation.

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Are you looking for an effective means to remove thermal conductive paste from your processor? Meet IPA 100 - a high-quality isopropyl alcohol that will work great in any situation thanks to its high content of the main ingredient (≥99.8%).




Highly effective, fast evaporation and streak-free - IPA 100's efficiency and chemical neutrality will make electronics care and dirt removal easier than ever. This is due to the high content of the main ingredient (≥99.8%) and long shelf life. See how simple dirt removal can be with IPA 100.



IPA 100 is an isopropyl alcohol that is ideal for cleaning PCBs, removing thermal paste residues from integrated circuits, caring for optical readers and audio/video heads, and removing lubricants and waterproof grease. One agent, many applications - that's its advantage.



The distinctive applicator bottle makes using IPA 100 easier than ever.

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