GENESIS - Team Genesis

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Welcome to Team Genesis! In our team, every player is welcome, and our main goal is for you to enjoy your favourite games! To achieve ultimate gaming pleasure you need reliable gaming equipment! Are you looking for a mouse to help you maximise your headshots? Do you need headphones that will let you hear the footsteps of an approaching opponent? If so, you've come to the right place!


Do you know what an ideal gamer chair should look like? Or maybe you used one of the Genesis keyboards and would like to give us some feedback? For us, every opinion is important! Your support allows us to develop better and more innovative products for amateur and professional gameplay. You have a real impact on what the future of gaming will look like!


Immerse yourself fully in the world of best gaming! Visit our social media channels and stay up to date with information about new equipment and news from the world of gaming and technology. There is more! Take part in one of the numerous contest where you can win keyboards, mice, armchairs and much more!


By joining Genesis, you also support the development of e-sport! For years we have been operating on the stage at Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, be it by running our own professional teams, supplying equipment for tournaments or funding prizes. With Genesis you will experience unforgettable moments on virtual battlefields!


Do you run your own YouTube channel? We invite you to cooperation! What matters to us is the quality and commitment of the fans. Do you have interesting ideas for movies? Can you encourage viewers to comment and actively participate in the fun? Then you can count on our support!

We adapt to you
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