GENESIS Silicone Wristband


Wear a silicone wristband with the company's logo and the slogan "Take Control" to make your affection for the Genesis brand clearly visible wherever you go - at work, school or... at the gym.

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Take control of your life and show the world that you love our products!




Wear a silicone wristband with the company's logo and the slogan "Take Control" to make your affection for the Genesis brand clearly visible wherever you go - at work, school or... at the gym.


The black silicone wristband features an embossed logo in red and the words "Genesis" and "Take Control" in white. Its dimensions are 202 mm long, 12 mm wide and 2 mm thick. With its minimalist design, this accessory will match virtually any outfit - whether you choose a typical holiday style or a slightly more elegant outfit.

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